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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common inquiries about Commodity Business Consultants (CBC) Inc.

CBC Inc offers commodity procurement, business management consulting, monetization, and arbitrage trading services.

Through the JV/SPV mechanism, CBC Inc supports suppliers and miners by providing resources for successful ventures.

CBC Inc requires a minimum SBLC issuance of 10M for buyers or funders to provide a performance bond.

CBC Inc offers a win-win facility using arbitrage trading to help miners raise at least 150M debt-free for their projects.

CBC Inc works with gold mines, copper suppliers, and bauxite suppliers to facilitate sales to end buyers.

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Services Offered by CBC Inc

CBC Inc facilitates sales and delivery of commodities, creating win-win transactions.

Commodity Procurement

Direct sourcing of commodities

Business Management Consulting

Strategic consulting services

Monetization Services

Innovative capital raising

Learn more about our achievements

Awards and Certifications

Awards and Certifications